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Madison Rape Confidential Free

Post Assault
Total Health

We create solutions that offer young adult survivors quick and convenient access to free, trauma-informed and culturally competent health and wellness care after an unwanted sexual encounter. 


You can learn more about our current work below.


Rape Kit Medical Sexual infection

Mobile FNE

Bringing the forensic nurse exam to the survivor.

Launched in 2021, our mobile FNE program was DaneMAC's first effort to improve access to post-assault health care. In partnership with clinics and health facilities throughout Dane County, we send highly-skilled forensic nurses to meet survivors for their post-assault exam at a time and location most convenient for the survivor.


Now survivors can get access to the specialized medical care they need without a trip to the ER.

Schedule Message Connect


A private online portal to our network of local service providers and resources.


Our Multi Agency Portal (MAP) is a first-of-its kind online platform where a survivor can get 24/7 access to comprehensive post-assault support.  Once they create a profile, a survivor can do things like: learn about DaneMAC’s partner service providers, book appointments, chat with and share info with their care team, upload and store important documents, and preserve the details of what happened so that they don’t have to repeat it every time they reach out to someone new for help.


Development Update: DaneMAP has been an exciting community collaboration! From service provider surveys to student focus groups, we're committed to ensuring that DaneMAP reflects the diverse needs of its users.  With funding from Public Health Madison Dane County and in partnership with LOTUS Legal Clinic and RCC: Sexual Violence Resource Center, the first iteration of DaneMAP is available to college student survivors in Dane County.  We've got plans to build on this first design and expand access! 





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Empowering through survivor-led choice, connection, and innovation.

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